Thursday, February 3, 2011

Me n Braces????

Assalamualaikum wbt

I'm not good in describing myself..sometimes i dun understand understand myself..hahaha...scary la pulak

but the one real thing is that i'm lack of confidence...i'm kinda pesismist toward myself n other ppl....

coz of that, its hard for me to express my feelings..and i'm always be seen as emotionless...(kot....?)
maybe it's someting related to my appearance..Thanks & Syukur to Allah for making me such a nice creature, but somehow, deep inside my heart, i hope that I can be better..(human is selfish and always in forgetfullness)

being told as "jelek" from someone, really makes me sad...but i'm not a "pendendam" and i like to take care less on something like that...but this really makes my confidence level become shattering to pieces (hahaha..ayat xleh blah)

starting from that moment, i'm determined to seek for treatment...actually i've malocclusions problem...and i seek for orthodontic treatments..unfortunately, i'm not a dental student, so no special treatment for me..(sigh
 -__-") same for others, i've to wait for 5 years to get fix the quick solution is i've to seek treatment in private clinic..and there are only 3 specialist in Kelantan, and all of them work in government no other choice...kena buat "pagaw" kat Melaka lah...huhu

its not for aesthetic's to raise my confidence level, and i want to be more optimistic to myself..i really want to have normal smile like others...I'm always gloomy and selalu rasa tak suka bila amek gambar...(=___=")

Insya-Allah, the next holiday, sy akn buat "pagaw" nih..huhu

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, maksudnya:”Allah mengutuk wanita yang bertatu atau minta ditatu, wanita yang mencukur alis dan mereka yang meminta dicukur alis mereka, wanita yang membentuk giginya agar kelihatan cantik dan mereka yang mengubah ciptaan Allah.” 

Hukum Memakai Braces
Jawapan (dijawab oleh Ustaz Azhar Idrus):

Jikalau alat tersebut dipakai dengan tujuan membetulkan kecacatan gigi seperti gigi yang tidak rata atau terlebih keluar maka setengah ulamak fiqh mengharuskan memakainya dan tidak dinamakan mengubah ciptaan Allah SWT.

Ada pun jika dipakai alat tersebut dengan tujuan menambahkan lagi kecantikan gigi yang telah sedia elok maka hukumnya adalah dilarangsebagaimana yang disebut oleh beberapa orang ulamak muktabar.


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